Monday, 16 May 2011

Find the Loop in the linked list and remove the loop from it

int detectLoop(NODE* headNode)
NODE* oneStepPtr = headNode;
NODE* twoStepPtr = headNode;
int isLoop = 0;

while(twoStepPtr != NULL
&& twoStepPtr->next != NULL
oneStepPtr = oneStepPtr->next;
twoStepPtr = twoStepPtr->next->next;

if (twoStepPtr == oneStepPtr)
isLoop = 1;
return isLoop;

/* Call only when loop exists */
void removeLoop(NODE* headNode)
/* find Loop Node */
NODE* oneStepPtr = headNode;
NODE* twoStepPtr = headNode;
NODE* loopNode = headNode;

while(twoStepPtr != NULL
&& twoStepPtr->next != NULL
oneStepPtr = oneStepPtr->next;
twoStepPtr = twoStepPtr->next->next;

if (twoStepPtr == oneStepPtr)
loopNode = oneStepPtr;

/* Find loopLength */
NODE* currentNode = loopNode;
int loopLength = 0;
while (currentNode != loopNode
|| loopLength == 0)
currentNode = currentNode->next;

/* Offset headNode by loopLength */
currentNode = headNode;
NODE* offSetNode = NULL;
NODE* tailNode = NULL;
int offSetLength = 0;

while(offSetLength < loopLength) { tailNode = currentNode; currentNode = currentNode->next;
offSetNode = currentNode;

/* find tailNode, when currentNode and offSetNode meets, but one */
currentNode = headNode;
while(offSetNode != currentNode)
tailNode = offSetNode;
offSetNode = offSetNode->next;
currentNode = currentNode->next;

tailNode->next = NULL;

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