Monday, 21 November 2011

QuickBits-11: Giving User Input to cmd through file

Lots of user developed commands requires user input for "if you want to continue ... [y/n]" . If you want to automate this

For example: If mycommand requires user input saying 'y' then add 'y' to the arguments.txt file.

cat arguments.txt - | mycommand

Now your mycommand will not ask for user input. It takes it from the file arguments.txt

Saturday, 19 November 2011

QuickBits-10: Highlight a word in Emacs buffer

If you have used Source Insight for code browsing, you would have used its word hightlight feature.You can highlight the word under cursor, in your file you are browsing using shift+f8.

You can do the same in Emacs, by adding this to your .emacs file

(defun is-word-highlighted ()
  (let ((face (or (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
                  (get-char-property (point) 'face))))
   (if (facep face) (if (face-equal face "hi-yellow") t nil) nil)))

(defun toggle-highlight-word ()
(setq sym (current-word))
(if (is-word-highlighted) (unhighlight-regexp sym) (highlight-regexp sym)) 

(global-set-key [S-f8] 'toggle-highlight-word)